Feature Requests
Displaying results 1‒3 out of 3 total.
Viewing only opened records by default, use “Advanced queries” or “Simple Filtering and Sorting” to change.
Id | Summary | Priority | State | Open Date | Submitted by | Assigned to |
3806 | request the release of acedrg (brz version 303) in CCP brz trunk | 3 | Open | * 2024-02-09 15:25 | Fei Long | Nobody |
3819 | Please release the version of acedrg (brz version 304) in CCP4 brz acedrg repository "trunk" branch | 3 | Open | * 2024-02-19 15:30 | Fei Long | Nobody |
111 | test: to adjust the list of displayed items | 1 | Open | * 2014-10-24 19:07 | Andrey Lebedev | Fei Long |
* Denotes requests > 30 Days Old
Priority Colors: 1 2 3 4 5