FusionForge helps you manage the entire development life cycle
FusionForge has tools to help your team collaborate, like message forums and mailing lists; tools to create and control access to Source Code Management repositories like CVS and Subversion. FusionForge automatically creates a repository and controls access to it depending on the role settings of the project.
Additional Features:
- Manage File Releases.
- Document Management.
- News announcements.
- Surveys for users and admins.
- Issue tracking with “unlimited” numbers of categories, text fields, etc.
- Task management.
- Wiki (using MediaWiki or phpWiki).
- A powerful plugin system to add new features.
What's new in FusionForge 6.0
Checkout the roadmap for closed issues (bugs, patches, features requests) here
Standards features:
- New install system [#710] (Inria)
- Reactivity: system replication is now performed immediately (rather than waiting for cron jobs) [#147] (Inria)
- SCM:
- Concurrent SSH and HTTPS access, relying on Apache mod_itk [#519] (Roland Mas and Inria)
- Allow projects to use several SCM engines in parallel [#751] (Roland Mas, for CEA)
- Support read-only access to private projects via SSH (Inria)
- Browsing support for (Git) private repositories [#519] (Roland Mas, for AdaCore)
- Anonymous read-only access through xinetd and rsync (Inria)
- System: users now use a common default group ("users") rather than per-user group; avoids conflicts with project groups [#760] (Inria)
- Docman:
- Basic Webdav write mkcol, delete, put, move support [#658] (TrivialDev)
- Add move mass actions [#657] (TrivialDev)
- Direct link to file details [#747] (TrivialDev)
- Rewrite parser using unoconv, support more file formats [#749] (Roland Mas, for CEA)
- FRS:
- Enable widget "My monitored packages" [#697] (TrivialDev)
- Provide new role settings [#705] (TrivialDev)
- Add delete packages, releases or files mass action [#713] (TrivialDev)
- Provide link to download any release as ZIP file [#737] (TrivialDev)
- Fix RBAC migration script [#765] (TrivialDev)
- Reorganise code [#692] (TrivialDev)
- Web UI:
- Drop tipsy plugin, use standard jQuery UI tooltip already provided [#656] (TrivialDev)
- FusionForge Theme & jQuery UI theme sync [#663] (TrivialDev)
- Update the jQuery & jQuery UI frameworks [#664] (TrivialDev)
- Feedback, error_msg, warning_msg are now store in cookie [#669] (TrivialDev)
- Update the jQuery Auto-height plugin [#716] (TrivialDev)
- Updated French translation (Stéphane Aulery and Inria)
- Widgets:
- Public Area: display FRS link [#684] (TrivialDev)
- My Latest Commits: New widget to display user commits on "My Page" [#743] (TrivialDev)
- Project Latest Commits: New widget to display the 5 latest commits on the project page (TrivialDev)
- Project Latest Documents: enhancement, add actions buttons (monitor, delete) [#745] (TrivialDev)
- Tracker: enable support for multi-select extrafield in roadmap [#655] (TrivialDev)
- Forum: store the attached file on FS [#662] (TrivialDev)
- vhosts: allow customization from <config_dir>/custom/httpd.vhosts.tmpl (Inria)
- SCM SVN: Improved ViewVC integration, using external installation [#719] (Inria, TrivialDev)
- SCM Git: Activity log entry link to commit log in SCM browsing tab [#719] (TrivialDev)
- SCM Hg (Mercurial)
- Display the Repository History stats block [#724] (TrivialDev)
- Add support for project activity tab [#725] (TrivialDev)
- Activity log entry link to commit log in SCM browsing tab [#726] (TrivialDev)
- scmhook
- Update git post-receive email hook (tarent solutions GmbH, Teckids e.V.)
- Install hooks as the requesting system user (Inria)
- AuthLDAP: Support LPAP_OPT_REFERRALS option, needed by ActiveDirectory Server [#734] (TrivialDev)
- Task Board: New Agile TaskBoard supporting Scrum and Kanban methodologies (Vitaliy Pylypiv and TrivialDev)
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FusionForge is running FusionForge version 6.0.5-2ubuntu1